|Field|Type|Note| |name|string| |shortdescr|string| |clan|string|No clan is a blank string, e.g. "", not nil| |clanrank|number|No clan returns 0, 1 = recruit, 2 = initiate, etc| |level|number|| |owner|string|No owner returns nil| |cost|number| | |material|string| | |vnum|number| | |otype|string|See [[Flags]] (Item table)| |weight|number|| |room|[[ROOMProperties OR ROOM]]|When used with GIVE mprog, will return nil| |inobj|[[OBJProperties OR OBJ]]| |carriedby|[[CHProperties OR CH]]| |v0|number|For weapons: exotic = 0, sword = 1, dagger = 2, spear = 3, mace = 4, axe = 5, flail = 6, whip = 7, polearm = 8, gun = 9, bow = 10| |v1|number|| |v2|number|| |v3|number|For weapons: see [[WeaponsDamTypeTab OR table]]| |v4|number|| |wearlocation|string|See [[Flags OR wear location flags]]| |contents|array of [[OBJProperties OR OBJ]]|| |proto|[[OBJPROTOProperties OR OBJPROTO]]|Prototype for the object| ==Otype specific properties ===fountain |border=1 |=Field|=Type|=Note |liquid|string|Liquid type |left|number|Liquid left |total|number|Liquid total capacity |=Function|=Argument|=Result|=Note|=Valid args|=Example |extra|string|boolean|Check if specific extra flag is set.|See [[Flags]]|say(obj1.name) |wear|string|boolean|Check if specific wear flag is set.|See [[Flags]] |destroy|none|none|Destroy the OBJ| |obj1:destroy() |echo|string|none|Echo to char if carried, otherwise to room.| |oload|number|OBJ|Load a new object inside the object. Error if run on non container. Returns the newly created OBJ. |[[loadprog]]|number|boolean|Argument is vnum. Runs target oprog script in the OBJ's script space. Returns return value of the script (false by default). |[[loadscript]]|string[subfolder],string[filename]|boolean|runs the script in the file in the subfolder given using the OBJ's script space. Returns return value of the script (false by default).| |obj:loadscript("vodur","testscript") |[[loadstring]]|string|boolean|runs the string argument as a script in the OBJ's script space. |savetbl|string[filename],table|none|creates a file in area specific subdir with filename as the name and saves arg2 to it |loadtbl|string[filename]|table|opens file in area specific subdir with the filename and returns the table loaded from it, nil if file doesn't exist |tprint|table|none|prints the contents of a table using echo. Good for debug. |[[DelayFunction OR delay]]|number, function|none|Set a timer to run arg2 after arg1 seconds. |[[CancelFunction OR cancel]]|none|none|Cancel any pending functions that were queued with 'delay'.