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EXIT/ EXALL (exit all)

Keyword : 'exit'

Argument: dir name/number/*

Keyword : 'exall'

Argument: dir name/number/*

Explanation: Argument is '*' (to trigger on all dirs), the exit name, OR exit number (0:north 1:east 2:south 3:west 4:up 5:down 6:northeast 7:southeast 8:southwest 9:northwest). EXIT/EXALL is triggered when someone LEAVES the room. EXIT will only trigger when the mob sees the person leaving (sneak or invis persons can just pass). EXALL will always trigger, even if the mob can’t see the person leaving. One problem EXIT triggers give, is that the movement of the player is always blocked. If a player triggers an exit trigger, even if the mob just wants to say bye, the player won’t move. You will have to use “mob transfer” or “mob gtransfer” to move the player.

Example: “Addmp 1000 exit 0” If you put this on a guard, the guard will stop anyone going north, unless they sneak past him or they go invis.

triggers/mprog/exit.txt · Last modified: 2014/12/24 03:41 by vodur