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Keyword : 'give'

Argument: string or object vnum

Explanation: The argument is either the vnum of an object, “all”/“*” (making it trigger no matter what the player gives the mob) or some words. Some caution is required, since if you give ‘long sword’ as argument, it compares to see if ONE of the words matches with the given item. So ‘long sword’ will trigger if a person gives “a long bow” or “a plastic sword”. Object vnums are usually used on grall triggers. The mprog will trigger when the player gives a matching object to the mob. Money doesn’t work with give triggers, you need a bribe trigger for that.


“Addmp 1000 give 1234” triggers when the player gives the mob the object with vnum 1234.

	“Addmp 1000 give all” always triggers, no matter what object the player gives.
triggers/mprog/give.txt · Last modified: 2014/12/24 03:38 by vodur